Of course, it is fun with the DS3 Racing to do a few rounds on a large, unclean car park on Sunday afternoon. But what I missed in the last 1.5 weeks is still: the traction! So far, there was only one afternoon in my test time, where the roads were mostly dry or free from snowmach, and you could be a bit more dynamic on the road.
At the moment are Continental WinterContact TS 830 P winter tires in size 225/45 R17. Whether it’s the brand new tire (the little Frenchman has only 5,000 km on the clock) I do not know, but the relatively light DS3 Racing is also quite wonderful on and in (deep) snow. If this is frozen, you have to take care of the sporty low-profile front apron just when parking. Otherwise, I hope for better weather on the weekend for a few photos without salt and a few curvy rides. So far, the DS3 but a lot of fun, the 207 hp are really well packed, in terms of interior, I would not have presented it to me also so pleasant and cool.